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FH55 Hotels - Feast of San Lorenzo, shooting stars and a romantic dinner at the Serrae Villa Fiesole restaurant 1
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Feast of San Lorenzo, shooting stars and a romantic dinner at the Serrae Villa Fiesole restaurant

The feast day of San Lorenzo, co-patron saint of Florence, which falls every year on 10 August, is famous for being the time when the most falling stars can be seen. This phenomenon is known as the ‘shower of stars’ and occurs when the Earth passes through the meteor shower left by comet Swift-Tuttle.

Tradition has it that people make a wish while watching shooting stars on the night of San Lorenzo to make their dreams come true.

The ritual derives from the legend that associates the night of San Lorenzo with an abundance of falling stars.

What could be better than watching the cascade of stars during a romantic dinner at the Serrae Villa Fiesole restaurant?

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